Supply Chain Management

Digital Supply Chain
SAP Integrated Business Planning

SAP IBP maximizes the demand for new market expectations and profitability for companies and provides real-time supply chain management. In order to provide this management, it provides a unique planning environment by combining sales and operational planning, demand, stock, supply and response planning products. Thanks to Supply Chain Control Tower, it provides an environment in order to make analytic data viewed up-to-date.

SAP IBP runs on SAP Cloud with real-time management panels, planning tables that can work on Microsoft Excel, and interactive simulation and it is built on SAP HANA.
Institutions often have difficulty in setting common strategic and financial goals together. IBP solution provides operational processes for sales and operational planning, demand sensing, demand management, inventory and supply optimization, and order-based planning functions. In the supply chain structured as network, it determines alternative solution methods against problems by running heuristics and optimization. At this point, it provides as many features as the user wants, which can be used on customers, products, locations, and channels. Restricted or unrestricted models can be designed on these features.

With SAP IBP Solution;

Sales, product, financial and operational activities can be adapted to medium and long term company strategies.
New strategies can be identified in the financial and supply chain in order to correct adverse developments in the market or supply chain.
In order to achieve the company goals; operational plans, which can be applied operationally and acceptable financially, can be made.
SAP IBP solution contains 5 components. Each component’s contribution to the solution of IBP can be customized alone or together with other components.