Parking Analyzer

Parking Space Analyzer is used to automatically detect vehicles in a parking lot using predefined areas (parking spaces). Any number of parking spaces can be defined.

Fields of Application

Parking Space Analyzer can be used on any parking lot with parking spaces that are clearly marked. It is designed for both indoor and outdoor use. Parking spaces have to be specified on screen. Thus, Parking Space Analyzer supports parallel, perpendicular and angle parking as long as there is fixed vehicle placement (clearly marked spaces).


Parking Space Analyzer measures the amount and distribution of edges inside each area. When the complexity of texture suddenly increases, a parking vehicle is detected. When the complexity of texture decreases, a free space is detected. Thus, it is crucial, that the scene background (the parking space floor) shows as little structure as possible. Events will be generated when the parking state of an area changes or when a new event subscription is requested, optionally also in specified intervals or after a configured parking duration limit is reached.