Manufacturing & High-Technology

At a time of rapid change, how will you boost agility, quality, collaboration and the customer experience, while harnessing new capabilities such as the Internet of Things? Pega helps achieve these goals across the product lifecycle, from field service and warranty management, to the aftermarket.

Optimize efficiency and collaboration across internal teams, dealers and suppliers to deliver the best possible experience to automotive customers.

  • Pega Warranty: Streamline your warranty process from ent-to-end.
  • Pega Field Service: Orchestrate and improve the service experience.
  • Quality Management: Transform your qulity management processes.
  • Digital Prescriptive Maintenance: Transform connected devices and intelligent processes.
  • Pega Recall: Manage recall programs with the best customer experience.
  • Pega 7 Platform: Enable rapid innovation and fast deployment.

Innovate at a lower cost, improve product quality and optimize the supply chain.

  • Pega 7 Platform: Embrace rapid innovation and fast deployment.
  • Pega Warranty: Streamline the warranty process from end-to-end.
  • Pega Field Service: Orchestrate and improve the service experience.
  • Pega Recall: Manage recall programs with the best customer experience.
  • Pega Asset Performance Management: transform connected devices and intelligent processes.
  • Quality Management: Transform your qulity management processes.

Transform inflexible, slow-to-respond industrial manufacturing operations into lean, intelligent processes.

  • Pega warranty: Streamline the warranty process from end-to-end.
  • Pega Recall: Manage recall programs with the best customer experience.
  • Pega Field Service: Orchestrate and improve the service experience.
  • Qulity Management: Transform your quality management processes.
  • Pega Asset Performance Management: Transform connected devices and intelligent processes.
  • Pega 7 Platform: Embrace rapid innovation and fast deployment.